Introducing the Scan QR feature in the Mobile App. This feature enables the user to open the Lead or Applicant profile directly by scanning the QR code without even searching by name or email or phone in Lead Manager or Application Manager.
Earlier, if a user was working from his web dashboard and wanted to connect with the lead/applicant over a call, they had to dial the number on their phone manually. With this feature they can just scan the QR code (available on Lead Profile page) to open the app and initiate the call right away from the app (with just 1-2 taps).
How does this work?
- You will see a QR code link on each Lead or Applicant Profile.
- Clicking on it will generate the scannable QR Code.
- This QR code has to be scanned in the Meritto Android App (explained below)
- Once the app scans this QR code, the lead/applicant profile open in the app.
- Since the QR code content is encrypted, the content will not be revealed by any other QR code scanner other than the Meritto Mobile App.
Open Meritto Android App, you will see a new “Scan QR” option in the Menu. Simply tap the Scan QR to open the scanner.
- Once you tap on the “Scan QR” option from the Navigation Menu, the app will first ask for Camera permission, if not given already.
- The Scan QR screen will scan for the QR code available on Lead Profile page on Web Dashboard
- If the QR code is invalid - an error message will be displayed
"QR code is invalid. Please try again"
Note: This might happen when someone tries to scan any random QR code from our app. - If a user tries to scan a QR code of a lead assigned to any other user, an error message will be displayed saying “This lead is assigned to someone else”.
Please note that all the hierarchical combinations have been taken care of. For example - if a manager/team lead tries to scan the QR of a lead assigned to their reportees, then they will be able to view the lead details.
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