You can Download Token Fees Acknowledgement receipts in Bulk
Below are the steps to Download:
1. Go to Payment Manager → Purchase Summary.
2. In the Purchase Summary, Filter out the “Fee Product Type” as “Token Fees” and “Payment Status” as “Payment Approved”. All the applicants who have made the token fee payment will be filtered out.
3. Now, select the applicants for which you want to download the Acknowledgement Receipts for and click on the Bulk Action button at the top to select option “Ack Receipts Download”.
4. Now, the right drawer will open, in which you can select the Folder Structure in which you want to download the receipts be it “Form Wise or Fee Product Wise” and Enable the document you want to download and click the Download button below.
5. You will then receive the downloaded file over email or you can visit the Download Request page to download the requested file.
6. If you select the Form Wise folder, the structure will be as Form Name → Fee Product Name → Ack Receipt of the Applicant(s).
7. If you select the Fee Product Wise folder, the structure will be as Fee Product Alias Name → Ack Receipt of the Applicant(s).