In Phase-1 of DLT implementation which went live on 1st June 2020, Entity Registration and Header Registration were mandatory. Now in Phase 2, entities have to start registering their Content Templates on the DLT Portal on which they have their entities registered.
Template Registration Guidelines
Only 1 space is allowed between words, before and after as well.
The Variable can be inserted by clicking the button (insert variable) above the text box or the Variable format of {#var#} can be used (It’s case sensitive).
{#var#} can be added in both the categories, service explicit - service implicit, special characters are also accepted.
Customized values like amount, date, a/c no, merchant names, OTP, codes, URL, customer names, card type, etc. need to be replaced with variables {#var#}.
Actual Template: Payment received for Demo Application Form, fill the complete form to generate application no. Click to access your profile/application.
After Modifications: Payment received for {#var#}, fill the complete form to generate application no. Click {#var#} to access your profile/application.
Type of Templates
Steps to upload Service Implicit templates:
Login to the portal with your credentials
Go to the template section and select the Template type Service Implicit
Select all the headers with which you want to link a template with
Provide template name (place a unique name for each template for your reference) & select Template message types such as Text or Unicode
Save the template to send for approval to the DLT registrar
For step-by-step details on uploading templates over various operators: Click Here
Steps to upload Service Explicit templates:
Login to the portal with your credentials.
Go to the template section and select the Template type i.e. Service Explicit
Select all the headers with which you want to link a particular template.
Provide template name (place a unique name for each template for your reference) & select Unique Template message types such as Text or Unicode
Save the template to send for approval to the DLT registrar
For step-by-step details on uploading templates over various operators: Click Here
Templates creation guidelines
1. Service Implicit: Any message arising out of a customer's action or his existing relationship with the university/college that is not promotional will be considered a Service-Implicit message. It is important to include your Brand Name in the last.
Messages for payment confirmation or updates such as Demand Draft
Messages for Application Submission
Examples of templates:
Service Implicit |
Actual message |
Required template format |
Payment Confirmation
Payment received for Demo Application Form, fill the complete form to generate application no. Click to access your profile/application. - ABC University |
Payment received for {#var#}, fill the complete form to generate application no. Click {#var#} to access your profile/application. -ABC University |
Verification SMS
Dear Rahul, Thank you for showing interest in Demo College. Click to access your profile and to fill out the Application form. -ABC University |
Dear {#var#}, Thank you for showing interest in {#var#}. Click {#var#} to access your profile and to fill the Application form.-ABC University |
Credential SMS
Account created successfully for Demo College. Your registered mobile number 9876543210 and the password is Pass@123. Click to access your profile. -ABC University |
Account created successfully for {#var#}. Your registered mobile number {#var#} and the password is {#var#}}. Click {#var#} to access your profile. -ABC University |
Offline Credential SMS
Account created successfully for Demo College. Your registered email address is and the password is Pass@123. -ABC University |
Account created successfully for {#var#}. Your registered email address is {#var#} and the password is {#var#}. -ABC University |
Hello, 891021 is your One Time Password(OTP) for Demo College This OTP is valid till 12.09 pm. -ABC University |
Hello, {#var#} is your One Time Password(OTP) for {#var#} This OTP is valid till {#var#}. -ABC University |
DD Payment Approval SMS
We have received your DD No. 871629192 in the amount of Rs 1210.50 for App No. AP 121289 Demo College. Click to access your profile/application. -ABC University |
We have received your DD No. {#var#} of amount {#var#} for App No. {#var#} . Click {#var#} to access your profile/application. -ABC University |
DD Payment Selected
Your App No. AP 121289 has been partially submitted. The application will be completely submitted once the college approves your DD. -ABC University |
Your App No. {#var#} has been partially submitted. The application will be completely submitted once the college approves your DD. -ABC University |
Application Submission
Your App. No. AP 121289 is successfully submitted. Quote this for any future communication concerning admissions. -ABC University |
Your App. No. {#var#} is successfully submitted. Quote this for any future communication concerning admissions. -ABC University |
Payment Confirmation
Payment received for B.Tech From, fill the complete form to generate application no. Click to access your profile/application. -ABC University |
Payment received for {#var#}, fill the complete form to generate application no. Click {#var#}to access your profile/application. -ABC University |
2. Service-Explicit: Any promotional SMS that would be sent from the Meritto platform, needs to be approved in the content template. It also includes any service message that doesn’t fall under the service-implicit category. It is important to include your Brand Name in the last.
Messages to the existing customers recommending or promoting their other products or services.
Examples of templates:
Service Explicit |
Actual message |
Required template format |
Complete your application
Dear Rahul, your application is still pending for Demo College. Click to access your profile and complete the application form. -ABC University |
Dear {#var#}, Your application is still pending for {#var#}. Click {#var#} to access your profile and complete the application form. -ABC University |
Start your application
Dear Rahul, you have not started the application for Demo College. Click and start filling out your application form. -ABC University |
Dear {#var#}, You have not started the application for {#var#}. Click{#var#} and start filling out your application form. -ABC University |
Complete your payment
Dear Rahul, you have initiated the application but the payment is not done for Demo College. Click { to complete the payment. -ABC University |
Dear{#var#}, You have initiated the application but the payment is not done for {#var#}. Click {#var#} to complete the payment. -ABC University |
Verify your profile
Dear Rahul, your profile has not yet been verified for the institute. Click on the following link to verify and start filling out the application form - -ABC University |
Dear {#var#}, your profile is not yet verified for the institute. Click on the following link to verify and start filling out the application form - {#var#} -ABC University |
D. Template Registration Process for VILPOWER (Vodafone-Idea) & BSNL:
1.1. Select Template > Content Template > Add
1.2. Choose the Template type of communication – Service Implicit / Service Explicit.
1.3. Select a Category from the drop-down list
1.4. Search and select a Header
1.5. Select Consent Template from the drop-down list
1.6. Add a Template Name and select the template message type – Text/Unicode
1.7. Add the template content in the ‘template content’ text box and click Save
Note – Please ensure that the content templates added in the DLT platform do not have extra spaces and the variable length does not exceed 30.
Step 1.1
Step 1.2
Template Registration Process for Videocon:
1.1. Select Template > Add New Template
1.2. Add a Template Name
1.3. Choose Communication type as SMS
1.4. Choose the Template type of communication – Service Implicit / Service Explicit. Know more here
1.5. Select a Content Category from the drop-down list
1.6. Add the template content in the ‘template content’ text box > Get and enter OTP > Click Submit
Note – Please ensure that the content templates added in the DLT platform do not have extra spaces and the variable-length does not exceed 30.
Template Registration Process for Jio DLT:
1.1. Select Template > Content Template Registration
1.2. Choose template type as SMS
1.3. Choose your content type – English or other languages
1.4. Select a Category from the drop-down list
1.5. Choose the Template type of communication – Service Implicit / Service Explicit. Know more here
1.6. Select Header from the drop-down list
1.7. Add the template content in the ‘template content’ text box and click Submit
Note – Please ensure that the content templates added in the DLT platform do not have extra spaces and the variable-length does not exceed 30.
Need more help?
If you need any further help during the registration process,
- For BSNL DLT - Please refer or
- Vodafone Idea Ltd DLT - Please refer or contact or +91-9619500900.
- For Videocon DLT - Please contact
- For Jio DLT - Please contact
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