This feature of Scoring Automation can be used to check eligibility, normalize data, and populate any given field based on the requirement.
For Example:
1. You can check if an applicant meets your eligibility criteria or not and update a field based on the condition. Let's say candidates who have scored above 85% in both 10th and 12th are only eligible for the next round of the selection process. So, with Scoring workflow, You can create the logic and update a drop-down field as Eligible. We can check similar conditions for different form field values and check if the applicant is eligible or not. Later we can use this field name in Application Manager and filter out the eligible applicants and send further communications to them.
2. To normalize the score of applicants from different boards so that the Evaluation Criteria is the same for all.
3. To provide applicants with a score based on whether they have uploaded certain documents or not. This is in addition to the lead score which is based on the activity of the applicant like opening an email, and making the payment. Using the scoring workflow, we can create a text field inside the application form and update the score based on the fields and the documents uploaded by the applicant.
Disabled fields need to be created inside the form, it can be a drop-down or a text field based on the requirement or the condition.
How to create a Scoring Workflow?
Step 1: Navigate to Post Application -> Workflow Automation from the left-side navigation menu
Step 2: Click on the "Create Automation Workflow" button on the top right corner
Step 3: Click on the "Scoring" radio button
-> Select Institute: Select the institute name from the drop-down
-> Select Form: Select the form name from the drop-down. This is mandatory because we have to populate the value in a form-specific field
-> Enter the Title of the Workflow: This is for your reference and when you try to execute the workflow from the Application Manager, this will be the name displayed
-> Select Status: There will be two statuses InActive and Active. As a best practice always keep the workflow InActive when you create the workflow and after the creation of the workflow change the status to Active
Step 4: Now click on the Gear Icon at the end of the workflow name and select edit logic
Step 5: There are two things that you can do
- Calculate and populate the value in a field
- Create a drop-down field and update the field with the value when the condition is satisfied
Update Field :
For Example: If you want to shortlist only the applicants who have scored more than 60% then we can use the following condition
Select the form field that captures the percentage value greater than or equal to in the condition part and give the percentage value based on your requirement
Now Select the disabled drop-down field name and select the value based on the requirement whether they are eligible or not
Update Logic:
For Example: If you want to update the value in any given field based on a certain condition, then we have to select update logic from the drop-down
Select the form field that captures the board value select "is equal to" in the condition part and select the board name or any required condition
Now Select the disabled drop-down field name and do the required calculation
How to add more logic to the same workflow?
Click on the Add logic which comes at the bottom right corner
How to enable the workflow after creation?
Step 1: Click on the gear icon near the workflow name and select edit workflow
Step 2: Now select the status as Active from the drop-down
Note :
- Sort order is the order in which the logic will be executed
- As an ideal practice give a gap of a minimum of 10 between two sort orders in case if there is a requirement to add a condition in between
- We can have ānā number of logic's within the given workflow
- Top can be used along with either sum or average
- Each time the workflow is executed the value will get updated