The withdrawal process provides applicants with a convenient method to step back from the admission journey. By simply checking their status on the dashboard, applicants can initiate their withdrawal effortlessly. Additionally, automated email notifications are triggered based on the applicant's activity, ensuring smooth communication throughout the process.
Institute View
Step 1: Navigate to the Payment Manager from the left side menu bar and click on Fee Withdraw Manager
Step 2: When the applicant places the request we will get the below information from the Fee Withdraw Manager
Step 3: Now click on the Settings icon, present in the “Action” column. The following options will be visible.
Step 4: When we click on View Details all the information provided by the applicant will be shown.
Step 5: In the purchase summary we can view details about when the payment was done.
Step 6: Now you can mark the status for the applicant based on whether we want to approve, reject, or process. All the Fields inside the “Mark Withdraw Request Status” are mandatory.
Approve - You have approved the applicant’s request and we will transfer the amount to him
Reject - You have rejected the applicant’s request and we will not transfer the amount to him
Processed - You have transferred the amount to the applicant
Step 7: Now when we mark the applicant's status as Approved then the following confirmation dialog box will be shown. When we click on Yes a mail will be sent to the student.
Step 8: Now when we mark the applicant's status as Processed then the following confirmation dialog box will be shown. When we click on Yes a mail will be sent to the student.
Step 9: Now when we mark the applicant's status as Rejected then the following confirmation dialog box will be shown. When we click on Yes a mail will be sent to the student.
Step 10:When we click on "View Application," the user will be redirected to the Application Manager, where the specific application will be filtered.
Applicant View
Step 1: When the applicant opens his dashboard the Withdraw Fee button will be shown
Step 2: When the applicant clicks on the Withdraw Fee button the following dialog will be shown.
Note: The fields shown here are only for example
Step 3: After the applicant fills the required information a confirmation message will shown
Sample Templates of the Email getting triggered:
Email 1: The following mail will be triggered to the applicant when he/she clicks on yes
Dear <Applicant Name>,
We have received the withdrawal request for the Acceptance Fees paid against the <Application No.> with reference to the application filled for <Form Name>, <Institute Name>.
Admission team is looking into it and will get back to you shortly.
Admission Team
<Institute Name>
Email 2: When we change the request status to Accept the applicant will receive the following mail
Dear <Applicant Name>,
Your withdrawal request for the Acceptance Fees paid against the <Application No.> with reference to the application filled for <Form Name>, <Institute Name> has been approved.
Please feel free to connect to the institute in case of any concerns.
Admission Team
<Institute Name>
Email 3: When we change the request status to Process the applicant will receive the following mail
Dear <Applicant Name>,
Your withdrawal request for the Acceptance Fees paid against the <Application No.> with reference to the application filled for <Form Name>, <Institute Name> has been processed.
Please feel free to connect to the institute in case of any concerns.
Admission Team
<Institute Name>
Email 4: When we change the request status to Reject then the applicant will receive the following mail
Dear <Applicant Name>,
Your withdrawal request for the Acceptance Fees paid against the <Application No.> with reference to the application filled for <Form Name>, <Institute Name> has been rejected.
Please feel free to connect to the institute in case of any further concerns.
Admission Team
<Institute Name>
1) The email content which is sent to the applicant can be updated based on requirement
2) In the Fees drop down only the Fees paid by the applicant will be shown which makes it easier for them to select
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