What is Agent Lead Flow?
Agent Lead refers to the process through which agents direct or manage leads. It encompasses the journey from lead generation to conversion, where agents play a crucial role in nurturing and converting leads into customers or clients.
Understanding Lead Flow
To understand the flow simply, let’s take a look at the following flow chart.
Let’s understand the flow in detail
There are two cases:
1. New Lead
As soon as an Agent pushes the lead, an OTP is generated for the applicant to accept. If the OTP is generated, the lead gets created and is marked as Successful. When the OTP verification is done and the lead is verified then it is marked as Genuine.
Note: A maximum period of 10 days is set for lead verification. During this timeframe, the agent must verify the lead. If another agent attempts to introduce the same lead within this 10-day window, an error message will be displayed, indicating that the lead is already in the system
Now let’s say the agent is not able to get the OTP verified within the configured time then after this, if the agent again tries to upload it, this won’t be counted as the new lead but the period will be the same.
2. Existing Lead
- If some other agent has got the lead and it is existing in the system
Let’s say, Agent 2 is working on a lead, and Agent 1 has tried to upload the lead within the configured period of 10 days of Agent 2, an error message will show “The lead already exists in the system”.
If those 10 days have passed then first check whether the applicant has submitted the application and the payment is approved or not. In case, payment is approved an error will pop up, therefore, Agent 1 will not be given attribution. In case payment is not approved after the configured time, the lead can get assigned to Agent 2 and the flow will be the same.
- Existing leads are in the system via some other source e.g. Google, Shiksha, etc.
The same flow will be for the existing lead in the system as above.