Your template might not be visible due to various reasons. It's important to consider certain factors while creating templates to ensure they are visible and accessible.
Possible Reasons for Templates Not Being Visible
1. Did you assign the template to yourself?
You have to select your name in the drop-down list so that you can access the template.
2. What type of template did you create?
There are a few questions you have to ask yourself before creating a template.
- Whom am I going to send this to?
- If you are going to send communication to Lead, then select Leads from the Template Applicable from drop-down.
- If you are going to send communication to Applications, then select Applications from the Template Applicable for drop down.
- If you are going to send communication to Raw data, then select Raw data from the Template Applicable for drop down.
3. Did you create a Form Specific Template, and it was not visible to you?
When you create a Form specific template, the following steps need to be followed.
- Navigate to Application Manager > Manage Applications from the left side navigation panel.
- Click on Filter and Select the Form name from the available list.
- Now select the applicants for whom you want to send out communication and the template which is specific for this Form will also now come in the drop down.
4. What was Nature of the template you created?
The nature of Template which you create should always be Promotional even though you want to send in a Transactional channel.
5. Did you duplicate a template, and it was not available to send out communication?
The following points must be checked.
- Did you enable the Template?
1. If you create a template by duplicating an existing template then you have to enable it
2. Click on the Gear Icon and select Enable
Did you publish the Template?
There are two options.
Save- The template will be in Draft.
Publish - The template will be enabled.