Learn how to easily download applicant documents in bulk with this guide. Whether you're overseeing multiple applications as an administrator or simply organizing applicant information, this tutorial will walk you through the straightforward process, ensuring a smooth and efficient application management experience.
How to Download Applicant Documents in Bulk?
Navigate to Application Manager > Manage Applications.
Select the Form and Apply filter.
Now, add a filter of Payment status equals to Payment Approved.
It will give you all the applications for which payment is approved. Select all the applications you need to download the data in bulk for or select the applications by clicking on the checkbox present to the left of the column heading Registered Name.
By default, only the applications being shown on the page get selected. Note: If applications not being displayed need to be selected too, you will have to select them by clicking on Select all XXX applications.
Go to the action button and click on “Download Documents”. You can download it either application-wise or document-wise. It will be downloaded in a zip file in your system.
At times, the document download progress may halt midway due to the large file size caused by the extensive number of applicants' documents.
To resolve this, simply click the restart button that appears. This will resume the download process from the point where it stopped.
Check here for the folder structures: All About Formats of Document Download
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