The purchase summary is used to view the status of all fee payments at one place, be it application fees, token fees or any other.
For you to go to the Purchase Summary, you will have to follow the following steps:
- Navigate to Payment Manager > Purchase Summary
- Once you click on Purchase Summary. It opens up a page which says “Purchase summary”, where you will have to:
- Select the Institute name, also you can select the specific form for which you want to see the details.
- If there are multiple fees enabled and you want to search about a particular fee then select the fee name from the drop down i.e., the fee can be either Application Fee or Token Fee or First Installment Fee
- Status: You can filter based on the status of the payment as well ie., either Payment Pending or Payment Approved
- Start Date: You can filter by date on which the applicant initiated the transaction
- Start Date: You can filter by date on which the applicant initiated the transaction
- Approved Date: You can filter by the date when the payment status was marked as approved i.e., the date on which transaction was completed
- Payment ID: This refers to the last four digits of the Order ID.
- Transaction ID: This refers to the transaction ID of the applicant for a particular fee payment .
- Payment Method: The payment method can be either online or offline. You can filter out based on the payment method of the applicant.
- Select Coupon Applied: You can search with the discount coupon code provided to the applicant.
- Search by Agent Name: When you create a discount coupon if you had mentioned any Agent Name then we can search by that name here.
You can also download the total records that’s available after applying the filter by going to the Action button on the right-hand side top and click on Download Fees Data. It gets downloaded in an excel file.
To Download Receipt click on the action button adjacent to the record and click on the download Payment receipt
What do the headings mean?
Form name: The name of the form which the applicant filled and applied for.
Products: It can be either Application fee, token fee, hostel Fee, mess fee, Waitlist Deposit. Product for which the payment was made.
Registered Name: Name of the student which he registered with.
Registered Email: Email address that is registered in the system by the student.
Registered Mobile: Phone number with which the student registered.
Country: Name of the registered country.
State: Name of the registered state.
Payment Status: It can be either “payment approved” or “payment pending”. Depending on the fact that payment was successful or not.
Start Date: Gives you the date when was the payment process initiated.
End Date: Gives you the date when did the payment process complete.
Approved Date: Gives you the date when the payment was approved.
Payment Method: Mode through which the payment was made. It can be either “online” or “offline”.
Payment Amount: The amount that is paid by the student.
Transaction ID: Once the payment was done. It generates a transaction Id, that is displayed here.
Click on the Gear Icon at the end of each record and select Download Payment Receipt. Here we will be able to download the Electronic Receipt for the payment approved candidates.
And now, if you’re looking to reconcile these transactions, simply check your Settlement Report in the Navigation Menu for a clear overview of all transactions in your bank account.