Once the applicant has submitted the application form after completion and payment has been approved, they might not get the option to edit the form anymore. In that case, if any changes are required you need to go ahead and make the necessary changes to the form already submitted by the applicant.
You should have access to the Edit applications under Application Manager.
How to Edit an Application?
- Navigate to Applications Manager > Manage Applications.
- From Filter, Select the Form Name for which you want to edit the application and click on Apply.
- Now you will be shown a list of applicants who have applied for the selected form. Search for the applicant, you want to edit.
- On the right-hand side, corresponding to the concerned applicant click on the action button and select Edit Application.
- It will open up a pop-up window for you with the application form, filled by that applicant.
- You can expand the section you want to edit and make the required changes. Suppose you need to edit a field in Academic Details. Expand it by clicking on the drop-down button and you will get a button to Edit.
- Once the changes have been made to the application, Do Not forget to Save the changes made after every section.
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