When applications are submitted through offline means, the payment associated with those applications must be reviewed and approved through the backend system (the system that manages the database and processes behind the scenes) before they are considered complete or processed further. This approval ensures that the payment information provided is accurate and valid before any further actions are taken on the application.
How to mark the Payment as Approved for Offline Applications?
To mark the payment as approved for offline applications in the application manager:
- Navigate to Applications Manager > Manage Applications.
- From Filter, Select the Institute Name and Form Name for which you want to approve the offline payment.
- Apply the given filters: Payment Method > Equals > Offline.
- Add another filter by clicking on the blue plus symbol, and selecting criteria Payment Status > Equals > Payment Pending as shown below:
- Then click on the Apply button.
- Now you will be shown a list of Payment Pending applicants. Select the applicants you want to approve payment for by selecting the box present to the left of Applicant Name.
- Click on the 3 dot
available at the right corner of the data table.
- Select Mark as Payment offline Payment.
Select Offline and Enter applicable Remarks and confirm “Yes” on the below pop-up
A thank you message will appear and You have successfully changed the Payment Status of the required applicant/s.
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