Module: Token Fee
There are several prerequisites.
- List of communication templates for Cash Payment
Cash acknowledgment Email template
Cash acknowledgment SMS template
Cash Approval Email template
Cash Approval SMS template
- List of communication template for Online Payment
Online email template
Online SMS template
Acknowledgment Receipt Template. This is visible at payment approved applicant's Dashboard, for applicant reference
Note: All the above communication templates will be applicable for Payments only and will be Transactional in nature.
To configure Fee Manager
Prerequisite: A disabled field with binary drop-down values such as Yes/No in the form for which Token Payment is to be implemented should be present in the form. This field is used for segregation purposes.
- Navigate to Settings > Institute Configuration > Fee Settings
- Click on Configure Fees present on the top right corner of the screen.
- A new web-page will open with all the configurations present.
- Select the required Institute and Form.
- Select necessary Payment Type.
- Enter an appropriate Token Fees Alias Name. This would be used as the button name on the applicant dashboard. Use Generic text, for example: 'Pay First Installment'.
- Select the payment option(s) you want.
For the Cash payment option,
- Fill Cash alias. This is the alternate payment option that will be shown to the applicant. (This is institute dependent and can be Cheque, DD, Cash Payment recorded at the Institute or any other.)
- In Cash Related Information, fill in the instructions to be shown to the applicants when they choose the alternate payment method.
- Select the appropriate templates for communication.
Cash Email Template and Cash SMS Template are the communications sent at the time of payment.
On Cash Approval Email Template and On Cash Approval SMS Template are the communications sent out to the applicant at the time of approval of payment by an institute user.
For the Online payment option.
- Select the Payment Gateway.
Select the appropriate templates for communication.
Note: Online Email Template and Online SMS Template are the communications sent out after payment approval.
- Fill Cash alias. This is the alternate payment option that will be shown to the applicant. (This is institute dependent and can be Cheque, DD, Cash Payment recorded at the Institute or any other.)
- If you want to integrate a payment gateway for the payment, Select 'Yes" in the Is this Hybrid CCAvenue.
- Select the desired Payment Start Date and Payment End Date from the pop-up calendar.
- In Select Form Field, choose the form field created for segregation purposes. Select the form field value for which the payment should be enabled.
- If Enable Fee For Payment Approved Only checkbox is selected, then only those applicants who have Payment Approved Forms can pay token fees.
- Select the Acknowledgement Receipt Template, this template will be used to show the acknowledgment receipt to the applicant on the applicant's Dashboard.
- If you want instructions to be shown to the applicant at the time of payment, Fill in the Token Fee Instructions in the space provided using the shown formatting tools.
- Fill in the appropriate Fee break-up.
- Save the Fee configuration by clicking on Save Payment Settings button.
Note: If Applicant Flow Configuration has been configured for Fee Payment for a Form of the Institute, then upcoming steps may be skipped. - The Fee configuration has been saved but has not been enabled yet. To enable the same, Go to the Settings tab in the sidebar > then select Institute Configuration > select Applicant Flow Configuration.
- Select the institute and click Search.
- Select Step 2 Configure Application Attributes.
- Scroll down to Pay Fee Application Attribute present at the bottom of the attributes table.
- Check the box present to the left of the Pay Fee Application attribute. If Token Fee Alias Name has been entered in Step 7, then no need to fill Enter Alias, Else fill in the fee type to be shown to the applicant. Enter the position you want this Pay Fee option to be available to the student at the dashboard.
- Click on save to save the configuration.
You have successfully configured the required Fee Settings.
Click here to know about the impact of Fee Settings configuration on the user end.
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