This article focuses on familiarizing you with the Document templates, their types, and their uses.
What are Document Templates?
Document templates represent a document format shown to the Applicant on their Dashboard, or we can show it only to the backend users.
This document could be a
- Offer Letter which mentions details about the course or campus offered for the Applicants
- Provisional Offer Letter which mentions details about the criteria to be met for the applicant to get a confirmed offer.
- Print out the Application Form submitted by the Applicants
- Payment Receipts for all transactions done by the Applicants
- Exam Admit Card or GDPI Call Letters which display the respective Applicant's Exam Venue, Date, Time Slot, and Photograph
- Result Card showing the Scores as well as the Rank of the Applicants
- Attendance sheet that is being used by the Invigilators at the Centre
Why do we use Document Templates?
If we look at the past, we have had times when Institutes used to send Documents via Courier and other offline mediums. This process was challenging as
- It involved tracking
- Not delivered on time
- Need to be carried as a hard copy
- Issue of misplacement
What is a Manage Document/Template?
Manage Document Template is a centralized place wherein you can manage all your Documents Templates which are either visible to the applicant on their dashboard or which are visible in the backend for the Institute User. We can do the below actions in Manage Document Template page,
- Create a new Document Template.
- View all the document templates created.
- Define if you want to show the documents as a PDF to the Candidate or show the content directly in the dashboard.
- Define the orientation of the document.
- Sequence of the Documents to be shown on the Dashboard.
- Edit an existing Document Template.
- Copy an existing Document template and create a new one with ease.
- Update the status of a Document template as Active or Inactive.
- Delete the Document Template that is no longer in use.
Creating a Template
Before we deep dive and understand how to create a new template it is important to know what are the different types of templates and what is the purpose of each type.
Understanding the types of Document Templates
- General Document: For creating an offer letter, Admit Card, Score Card, Result Card or any document to be shown to the applicant based on a trigger in the applicant dashboard.
- Form Payment Receipt: Designed to create a custom payment receipt for the application form.
Application Print: Allows replacing the default application print PDF with a custom PDF featuring UI and field changes.
- Offline Applicant Print: Utilized when scores are received via exam integration, displaying details on the applicant dashboard as a document.
Attendance Sheet: This shows a document with all the details for an offline entrance exam.
Token Fee Payment Receipt: Enables the creation of a custom payment receipt for the token fee generated on Meritto and Meritto+Collexo.
Post Application: Once the candidate has booked a slot, it allows displaying the interview call letter in the dashboard by creating a document of this type.
Walk-in Letter: Displays a document at the lead level for users to download.
Static Document: Facilitates uploading documents without any tokens, displaying them in the applicant dashboard for a specific form.
How to Create a New Document/Template?
Navigate to the Template Manager -> Manage Document Template from the left side menu
- Click on Create at the top right corner.
- Give a Unique Name for the document you are creating.
(For example: Offer Letter Batch 2)
- Select the Document Type and the Form name for which you wish to create the document.
- Now you can update the HTML code by clicking on the source. Now click on source again where you will be able to see the sample format of how the document will be visible.
- You can also do the below activities using the options available in the menu.
- Link a URL to a text
- Add or remove a row from a table
- Add tokens
- Change the font to Bold, Italic, or Strike the text
- Add basic style to the text
- Define the size of the text
- Document Size: allows you to choose between multiple formats available ie., A3, A4, and a few more options
- Token Format: This allows you to define if the token value needs to be displayed as
- Upper Case
- Sentence case
- User Input
Based on the above the format of all the tokens in the document will be updated. By default, the tokens will be displayed as User input type.
- Template Orientation: To define if the document orientation needs to be Landscape or Portrait ie., in the case of Landscape orientation the document width would be more when compared to Portrait orientation.
- Show as: We can either show the document as PDF ie., in this case, a button will be shown and when the applicant clicks on it the document will open and in the case of Web the content will be shown in the dashboard.
Sample PDF
Sample Web View
- Template Sort Order: When we have to show multiple documents to the applicants in their dashboard this option will help us to define the sort order.
Note: Once a template is saved we will not be able to update the type of the document.
Note: There will be three statuses when you try to save a document template.
Draft: Use this mode when you are working on a document that is not yet completed.
Test Mode: Utilize this mode to check the UI and token values from a specific email ID.
Active: Set documents to this mode when all changes are finalized, and they are ready to be displayed on the applicant dashboard.
How to Edit the Document?
To edit the existing document click on the three dots available on the right end of the document name. Now from the pop-up window that comes we have to select the Edit Template option. Here you will be able to edit all the content and configuration except for the template type .
How to Copy a Template?
To copy the existing document click on the three dots available on the right end of the document name. Now from the pop-up window that comes we have to select the copy Template option. Here you have to update the name of the template and the document type and make the required changes to the document.
Mark as Inactive
Let's assume you have created a document template during the previous academic cycle and you don’t need that anymore then you can mark them as Inactive. We can also delete the Inactive templates from the system.
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