Bulk Webhook Push functionality in Webhook Manager allows users to effortlessly push leads and application data through our Webhook Manager. This functionality utilizes the already configured webhook logic and allows the user to retrigger webhook logic for multiple data sets simultaneously.
Bulk webhook push functionality is useful to the user:
- To recover and resend data in cases of failed webhook notifications or data transmission issues
- Bulk Repush reduces the time and effort required to address data transmission issues by allowing users to initiate the pushing process for multiple leads or applications with a single action
Access to the below-mentioned functionality in the Meritto portal:
- Bulk Respush of data
- Lead Manager, Application Manager, or Opportunity Manager
How does the Webhook Manager Re-push work?
The Flow of using the Functionality
Bulk webhook push functionality is enabled over the Lead Manager, Application Manager or Opportunity Manager
Flow 1: Lead Manager
Step 1: Navigate to the Lead Manager in the menu then click on the Manager Leads in the sub-menu. Else, search for the Manage Leads in the menu search and then click on the Manage Leads listing.
Step 2: Select the Check box in front of the leads (highlighted in yellow color) or else select the Check box in the header and click on the Select all button (Highlighted in red color) to select every candidate in the listing.
Step 3: Click on the Bulk Action button and then select the Bulk Push to Webhook option from the dropdown.
Step 4: Once clicked on the “Bulk Push to Webhook” button then define the below-mentioned parameters:
- Webhook Logic Name: Select the webhook logic name for which you want to push the data.
- Vendor: Select the vendor for which data needs to be pushed on the configured endpoint.
- Trigger: Select the configured trigger in the above webhook logic for which you want to push the data.
Once the above parameters are defined then click on the Push button.
Great!!! we have successfully pushed the lead data. Now, the user can track the status by accessing the API logs page.
Flow 2: Application Manager
Step 1: Navigate to the Application Manager in the menu then click on the Manager Applications in the sub-menu. Else, search for the Manage Application in the menu search and then click on the Manage Application listing.
Step 2: Select the Check box in front of the applications or else select the check box in the header to select every candidate in the listing.
Step 3: Click on the Bulk Action three buttons and then select the Bulk Push to Webhook push option from the dropdown.
Step 4: Once clicked on the “Bulk Webhook Push” button then define the below-mentioned parameters:
- Webhook Logic Name: Select the webhook logic name for which you want to push the data.
- Vendor: Select the vendor for which data needs to be pushed on the configured endpoint.
- Trigger: Select the configured trigger in the above webhook logic for which you want to push the data.
Once the above parameters are defined then click on the Push button
Great!!! we have successfully pushed the application data . Now, user can track the status by accessing the API logs page.
Flow 3: Opportunity Manager
Step 1: Navigate to the Opportunity in the menu then click on the Opportunity list in the sub-menu. Else, search for the Opportunity list in the menu search and then click on the Opportunity listing.
Step 2: Select the Check box in front of the Opportunity or else select the check box in the header or select every opportunity in the listing.
Step 3: Click on the Bulk Action button highlighted in the below screenshot and then select the Bulk Push to Webhook option from the dropdown.
Step 4: Once clicked on the “Bulk Webhook Push” button then define the below-mentioned parameters:
- Webhook Logic Name: Select the webhook logic name for which you want to push the data.
- Vendor: Select the vendor for which data needs to be pushed on the configured endpoint.
- Trigger: Select the configured trigger in the above webhook logic for which you want to push the data.
Once the above parameters are defined then click on the Push button
Great!!! we have successfully pushed the application data. Now, user can track the status by accessing the API logs page.