This allows universities to issue offer letters to their students based on their preferences. It provides clear visibility for students to see their status for each preference they selected when filling out the application form. Students will be able to view their status as Offered, Waitlisted, or Rejected for each of their chosen preferences.
Acceptance of offer is a one time activity, if the student accepted the offer then the same is not editable and the selection will be visible in the backend field.
How to Enable for the Institute?
Offer acceptance can be enabled for the institute using the below-mentioned steps
- Go to the Form Desk.
- Select "Manage Institute"
- Click on "Edit"
- Navigate to "Modules"
- Locate the "Virtual Post Application Platform" module.
- Access the "Enable Offer Acceptance" sub-module.
How to Configure the Offer Acceptance?
Candidate Flow
This is the first step to configure the Offer Acceptance and involved the basic information which follows as:
Candidate Eligibility Criteria: You can select the trigger point which will enable the button on the candidate’s dashboard for Offer Acceptance. You can choose Payment Approved, Application Submitted, or Application Stage on the basis of your choice.
Start Date and Deadline Date: This governs the visibility of the button on the Candidate’s Dashboard. The button will be visible from the Start Date and will vanish after the Deadline Date.
Button Text on Candidate’s Dashboard: This will give you the flexibility to choose the button name which will give candidates access to see their offer’s status.
The second part of the Candidate flow’s page enables you to configure the page’s title and instruction which will be visible to the candidate.
Page Heading: This will help the candidate to have a clear idea of the page and give a familiar understanding of what this page consists of.
Instructions: This information is non-mandatory but can be used to let candidates know any important information, instructions, notice, or policies. This column can also be used to guide them how to follow the process and move forward.
Offer Details
This part of the sub-module will give you the flexibility to define the grid which will be dynamically visible on the student’s dashboard on the basis of the data being present on the dashboard.
To define the same you need to create value in form field with a drop down value of either Offered, waitlisted or Rejected.
In the screenshot mentioned below Pref 1, pref 2 and pref 3 are the form fields which represents the status of the students.
Representation on the candidate’s dashboard on the basis of configuration in offer details.
Configuration Status
This section will help you in mapping the Alias name with the status of offer against the candidate. We will be mapping the Alias name with the status field which is being created. In continuation to the example of Pref 1, pref 2 and pref 3 fields which were created has to be mapped with the exact Alias name so that system can identify the status from the pref 1, pref 2 and pref 3, and will be able to map with the Alias name to be shown to the candidate.
Enable Acceptance - This configuration will help you check the status against which you would want the candidate to accept and submit. In the above example, candidate who has “Shortlisted” as the pref status will be able to select the offered course and be able to submit the same.
Once the candidate has submitted the same, system will overwrite the Pref 1’s data with “Student status” mentioned in the configuration. This will help you identify the candidates who have actually accepted the offer by filtering in the Application Manager.
Value before accepting the offer:
Value after accepting the letter ( Offered Changed to Accepted)
This will be the last step in the configuration of offer acceptance. This will help you configure the token fees which the candidates can pay while accepting a certain offer. This will be optional in case you do not want to configure the fees for the students and the candidates will be able to submit the form without the fees.
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