It is not uncommon for users to share their passwords to their colleagues, however afterwards it becomes necessary to change your password for security related purposes. To address this concern, we have introduced "Reset Password" feature that allows users to change their passwords in easy and minimal steps.
How to Reset your Password?
Follow the following steps to reset your password:
1. Open your Meritto android app.
2. Login to your account and navigate to settings.
3. You will see the option of "Reset Password".
4. After clicking on reset password, a pop-up will appear which will ask you to verify your account. Please enter the OTP sent to your registered email and mobile number to verify your account.
5. Once the account is verified, you will be asked to enter the new password. Please enter the password fulfilling the required criteria.
6. Enter the same password in the "Confirm Password" field.
7. if both the passwords match then you can click on submit.
8. After clicking on submit, a pop-up will open, which will ask you to log out form all devices. If you click on yes then the password will be changed and your account will get logged out from the all the mobile devices.