In the fast-paced world of admissions and applications, the flexibility to extend the application form end date can be a game-changer. This guide is your go-to resource for understanding the process and benefits of extending the application form deadline. This ensures a better application process and candidate experience.
You should have the permission to Edit Form
How to Extend the Application Form Date?
Here is a step-by-step process to extend the application form end date as per the requirements.
Step 1: From the left navigation search for the FormDesk.
Step 2: Click on the Manage Form button.
Step 3: Hover the cursor on the End Date column and Click on the pencil icon against the name of the form.
Step 4: Once you click on the pencil icon a window will open, please click on the calendar and select the new form end date then click on the Save button.
At Last, do not forget to check the "Edit Extra Config" by clicking on the pencil icon of Live Status
On a click of the Pencil Icon, a window will open to Edit Extra Config.
Please make sure the following pointers
1. Hide Form On Applicant Dashboard (Application Form will show on above-configured IPs and Emails only) - Checkbox should be disabled.
2. IPs to be whitelisted (Application Form will run on these specific IPs only) - This field must be blank
3. Email to be whitelisted (Application Form will run on these specific Emails only) - This field must be blank.
Once done, please click on the Save button.
"‘Voila!’ The form end date updated successfully.